
Archive for December 21st, 2004

December 21st, 2004 No comments

The bad news: The eyedrops that we got for the cat, the stuff that cost $100.49? It was supposed to be refrigerated. The vet’s office didn’t refrigerate it. So the cat was in medical boarding for the last three days, getting medicine that was improperly stored. This stuff was supposedly critical for the cat to get, and had to be administered every two hours. So now there’s a concern that the cat may not have gotten the full benefit, AND that we wasted our money.

The good news: I can be very polite and diplomatic but firm, as anyone who’s dealt with me in Dragonrealms knows. (Okay, actually I apparently am getting a reputation as a pussycat, but I assure you it masks a steely interior.) As a result, the vet refunded the boarding charges for the last visit, bought new medication, and had an employee deliver it to our door, about 20 minutes away from the vet. I believe dropping 2 large on a cat at their facility was helpful to them in making this decision. However, this was absolutely above and beyond. They didn’t have to do this, but they did, and it really turned me around from “severely pissed off” to “happy and smiling.” Kudos, Animal Medical Hospital. Also, their vets say that the medicine shouldn’t have lost too much efficacy over the last 48 hours, although I have a call in to a friend of mine who is a vet who will confirm or deny that for me.

The better news: I have made a gift for a friend who has no idea that I have done this, and no idea that it is coming. Doing this always makes me feel somehow giddy and at peace at the same time. I think this person will be very pleased, and that puts a smile on my face above and beyond the usual Christmas cheer.

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