
Archive for December 15th, 2004


December 15th, 2004 2 comments

Just this morning, on the way to take my daughter to school, I commented to my husband that I wished I had someplace to write down all my patterns, because I keep forgetting things like how many stitches to cast on on which needles to make the right sized hat. And what arrives in my mailbox today?

Knit: A Personal Handbook! Fresh from my wish list! This thing even has a built in needle sizer and gauge finder! I could not be more psyched! Thank you thank you thank you, chaospearl! You rock the Casbah!

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Ho ho ho!

December 15th, 2004 6 comments

Finally! Christmas shopping for the nieces and nephews is done! There are eight, so it’s always a bit of a challenge (and bank breaker). Everybody gets two books and a toy. Exception to the rule: If they’re too young to even know what Christmas is, we go a little light on the gifts. We give books because they’re always good gifts and we love to read, and the toy in case they hate the books. Besides, when you’re a kid, you need something bright and shiny under the tree, not just books.

The hubby and I usually have a little rule, that we don’t give toys that make noises to other family members, because then the next year they might turn around and give us a drum or something. However, one kid is getting a ladybug enclosure and certificates for ladybug larvae this year, so hopefully we won’t get an ant farm next year.

Now to wrap and ship – and finish shopping for everyone else!

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