I am *this* close…
…to sticking my head in a fucking oven. Thank God for antidepressants. When I know I would be sobbing without them, I manage to hold it together, which I need to do while my daughter is awake.
…to sticking my head in a fucking oven. Thank God for antidepressants. When I know I would be sobbing without them, I manage to hold it together, which I need to do while my daughter is awake.
In a half hour, I will be talking to a group of kindergarteners, some of whom don’t speak English, about yarn and knitting. We’ll also be learning how to finger knit.
This oughta be interesting. If you hear on the news about a woman in North Carolina being hotgied with green yarn by a kindergarten class, you’ll know what happened. Wish me luck!
Stash busting continues! I’ve knitted up a new scarf. This one’s in Berroco Chinchilla Bulky with a fringe of Berroco Glace. It’s soooo soft! You can’t see in the picture, but it’s knitted in mistake rib, so there’s a nice wavy texture running the length of it. Here’s a close up so you can get a better idea of the feel of the yarns. I’m going to dab the ends of the fringe with a little fray-check just to be sure they stay nice and crisp.
I like it. Classy, but my husband says the long fringe gives it kind of a 60’s feel. I wasn’t going for that, but I reckon I’ll take it. 🙂
Dear player who scammed me the other day and/or night,
In spite of behavior that I feel was deliberately taking advantage of a situation, you will not cause me to stop believing that our players are good people who deserve a fair shake. You, however, can bite my shiny metal ass.
Tvini, the eternal optimist, temporarily burning a little less brightly.
For those of you following this saga, my friend got the genetic results back for her child.
The baby does NOT have Downs!
Woo hoo!
I filled out a survey at bizrate.com, and as a result, was asked if I wanted to enter a sweepstakes. Being protective of my e-mail address, I read the rules first. This little gem jumped out at me (italics mine):
“Sponsor reserves the right to verify eligibility qualifications of any winner. If a Canadian resident wins a prize, that person must also answer correctly within a 5 minute time period a mathematical skill-testing question without the benefit of any human, mechanical or electronic calculating devices before the prize will be awarded.”
Whaaaa? So, wait, if a Canadian wins, they’re going to quiz them first? Is there a valid reason why? Because to me it looks like, “Take THAT, Canadian idiots!” Or else like the person doing the page just wanted to see if anyone would notice. “Canuck bastards! Let’s see how they like this!”
For my first attempt at cables, I knitted the Coronet from Knitty.
Here’s the pic! I used purple Galway yarn instead of the recommended Lamb’s Pride, mainly because I’m trying to clear out my stash. The color is way off. The block in the lower right hand corner is much truer to the actual color.
Cables were fun! I’ll definitely do them again.
ETA: Fixed the link! Sorry about that!
Cribbed from everyone, of no surprise to anyone.
You Are a New School Democrat |
You like partying and politics – and are likely to be young and affluent. You’re less religious, traditional, and uptight than most Democrats. Smoking pot, homosexuality, and gambling are all okay in your book. You prefer that the government help people take care of themselves. |