
Archive for October, 2004

October 8th, 2004 4 comments

I taunted Tyrathia a couple of weeks ago by telling her we had a new gem that could be going live in DR, but that I wasn’t going to tell her what it was. If you know Tyrathia, you understand why this was the equivalent of telling her that the jigsaw puzzle she’d labored on forever was… missing a piece! Mwahahaaaaa!

(Tyrathia): ::hugs::
DRTvini: howdy
(Tyrathia): ::beam::
(Tyrathia): so what’s the new gem?::flees::
DRTvini: It’s very rare and very valuable…
(Tyrathia): Heh.
DRTvini: You may have heard of it…
DRTvini: It’s called…
DRTvini: a “diamond.”
(Tyrathia): ::groan::
DRTvini: Heee!
(Tyrathia): I owe you a noogie at Simucon.:P
DRTvini: Heh. Fair enough.
DRTvini: I think this may by LJworthy.
(Tyrathia): ?
(Tyrathia): what?
(Tyrathia): the IM?
DRTvini: Yes. For I am very tired and easily amused.
(Tyrathia): ::laugh::

And now, I sleep.

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October 6th, 2004 6 comments

The good news: a friend of mine, who had tried very hard to become pregnant, and who eventually became pregnant on her own WITHOUT all the heroic measures they’d pursued, delivered a healthy baby girl today.

The not so good news: the doctors believe the baby probably has Downs Syndrome.

I am thrilled because these very deserving people had a baby, but my heart is breaking for them nonetheless. We’re all very sad for them right now. Their joy is tempered with uncertainty.

If you’re the praying kind, say a little one for them. If the clinicians’ suspicions are right, they’ll have a much harder life than they thought they would.

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October 4th, 2004 No comments

My daughter’s kindergarten teacher is wonderful in finding ways to work with my somewhat difficult daughter, so I wanted to do something nice for her. She has a 16 month old son. I’m making a cotton roll sweater for him, and have finished the back and front and grafted one shoulder together.

It’s too short.

No, really, it’s like tummy-baring short. The problem is the rows of stockinette and reverse stockinette, which make the rolls. It rose up on itself as it sat after I’d knitted it. So when I measured 11 inches for the back, it rode up to, like, 9 inches relaxed. So now I gotta figure out what to do. Grr.

My first sweater. I should have expected issues. Tomorrow this will all seem like a learning experience, but right now I’m sleepy enough to be irritated.

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I love NC.

October 4th, 2004 No comments

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Give me some beads, then scram!

October 2nd, 2004 No comments

Well, I finished up the Oscar scarf. Possible titles: “Muppet Mardis Gras” or “Love in the Grass.”

Anyway, it actually came out better than I thought at first. It’ll look fabulous on someone out there!

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