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Pant-quest 2006.

So I went looking again for the pants, and couldn’t find any. For the record, it’s the “tall” that’s an issue, not the “big.” Bearing in mind that 6’2″ is apparently freakishly tall for clothing, I thought I’d come home and look at the khakis my husband already had and be sure that he was remembering the length right.

The khakis in his closet, that he hadn’t tried on but thought might be too small, are exactly the size he’s sending me out for. He already has the exact pair of pants he needs.

He so owes me.

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  1. March 7th, 2006 at 18:34 | #1

    Does he ever!

  2. March 7th, 2006 at 18:34 | #2

    Does he ever!

  3. March 7th, 2006 at 18:45 | #3

    Oh yeah .. big time owes! I’m thinking along the lines of uninterupted bubble bath, favorite beverage and foot rub owing!

  4. March 7th, 2006 at 18:45 | #4

    Oh yeah .. big time owes! I’m thinking along the lines of uninterupted bubble bath, favorite beverage and foot rub owing!

  5. March 7th, 2006 at 19:51 | #5

    That’s my husband! Save for the 6’2″ thing, of course. He once had me shopping for pants, saying none of his fit. And he had six pair of that size at home. In his case, He was deluded into thinking he still had a trim, youthful waist.

    I felt so bad when I had to inform him that a wedding right not only came with a wife, but about fifteen extra pounds…

  6. March 7th, 2006 at 19:51 | #6

    That’s my husband! Save for the 6’2″ thing, of course. He once had me shopping for pants, saying none of his fit. And he had six pair of that size at home. In his case, He was deluded into thinking he still had a trim, youthful waist.

    I felt so bad when I had to inform him that a wedding right not only came with a wife, but about fifteen extra pounds…

  7. March 7th, 2006 at 20:12 | #7

    What’s the length he needs, anyhow?

    Order online! I get Rob’s pants for ridiculously low prices when Gap.com has clearance sales.


  8. March 7th, 2006 at 20:12 | #8

    What’s the length he needs, anyhow?

    Order online! I get Rob’s pants for ridiculously low prices when Gap.com has clearance sales.


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