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Little White Lies

February 3rd, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

When I see a stranger wearing what is obviously a handknit scarf, I compliment them. I even do this for the most hideous of basic handknit scarves. You know the ones. The ones that look like someone skinned a clown and then tried to paste them back together with glitter glue? Those.

I do this because I know this person is wearing it for one of two reasons.

Number one: it’s this person’s first scarf and they’re wearing it because they’re very proud, and they’ll enjoy telling me about it.

Number two: it was a gift from someone who made it for them, and they love that person and will be happy to brag about their handmade gift.

Regardless, nobody deliberately wears a scarf like that unless wearing it makes them feel really good above and beyond just having a snazzy scarf to wear.

Complimenting them is and is not a lie. It is a lie because chances are, I hate the way their scarf looks. But it’s not a lie because I love the fact that they’re wearing it, and what wearing it says about them. Commenting on it makes me feel good and it makes them feel good.

Do you tell any little white lies because you know they’ll give a boost to the recipient?

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  1. February 3rd, 2010 at 14:00 | #1

    Here is a NOT lie. Your LJ blog happens to be first in my bookmarks and so is the first one I check every morning. Not about knitting, but do you mind?

  2. February 3rd, 2010 at 14:03 | #2

    Aw, you made me smile!

  3. February 3rd, 2010 at 15:59 | #3

    I never lie. theres lots of ways to comment on something that are truthful and kind and leave the recipeient all warm and fuzzy (which is the point).

    wow! did someone make that? thats awesome!!

    I love that color!! and its so soft!

    isnt knitting awesome! and knitting you did yourself/that someone did for you? thats super awesome!

    all of which are very true.

  4. February 3rd, 2010 at 16:05 | #4

    Technically “I like your scarf” isn’t a lie either. I like the fact of the scarf, even if I don’t like the way it looks. Still, they think I’m referring to appearance, and I know they think I’m referring to appearance, so it’s still deceptive in my book.

    Still, I say it.

  5. February 3rd, 2010 at 17:01 | #5

    “Those baby shoes are adorable.”

    . o O (They are cute but.. faux animal print? Really? And I can’t believe how much money you paid for couture shoes that your kid-to-come is going to outgrow in one week. Are you insane? That’s like four packs of diapers you could have bought. But I’m too exhausted to get into that discussion with you.)

  6. February 3rd, 2010 at 19:36 | #6

    I’m sure I have I just can’t think of any.

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