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I see dead people… in the mirror.

October 19th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

Greetings from beyond the grave! Yes, I moved to week two of the Couch to 5K podcast and I’m fairly sure that it actually killed me.

The first leg: “This isn’t so bad!”

The second leg: “This is more challenging than last week.”

The third leg: “It may have been too soon to move to week two.”

The fourth leg: “Maybe if I run toward the light…”

Everything else is just a blur. I arrived home with sweat pouring off of me like it was the very first day again. Now that I’ve drunk some water and squeegeed myself off, I’m red faced but much more comfortable. I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll do week two again next time or go back to week one. Maybe it’s like childbirth: you have to forget what it was like before you want to do it again.

Yesterday I sent out a mass e-mail telling folks that Jayne hat kits were available again, and a buncha people signed up overnight, so I’m cleaning up, then stuffing envelopes while I watch To Have and Have Not which I snagged from the library yesterday. No worries, there will be no actual Tvini sweat on the yarn.

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  1. October 19th, 2007 at 16:03 | #1

    Your Couch to 5K is inspiring me. I’m seriously contemplating picking it up myself. I even got an invitation to join a friend in December and do the JingleBell 5K to raise money for MADD. I broke down and went to RunTex to get properly fitted for shoes so I could attempt a walking routine without killing my feet this time.

    Now to just ACTUALLY start getting out there and walking. ::laughing::

  2. October 19th, 2007 at 16:03 | #2

    Your Couch to 5K is inspiring me. I’m seriously contemplating picking it up myself. I even got an invitation to join a friend in December and do the JingleBell 5K to raise money for MADD. I broke down and went to RunTex to get properly fitted for shoes so I could attempt a walking routine without killing my feet this time.

    Now to just ACTUALLY start getting out there and walking. ::laughing::

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