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I stepped on a piece of glass barefoot yesterday afternoon and had a heck of a time getting it back out of my foot. I slathered it in neosporin, covered by a antibiotic-infused bandaid within my allegedly antimicrobial Tofutsies sock. By this afternoon, it was really feeling bad. Not like “I stepped on some glass and dug in my foot with tweezers,” but more like “there’s still something stabby in there.” So after asking around for opinions on whether I should, since I was feeling kind of like a wimp for even considering it, I went to see the doctor today. He was skeptical that there was something in there, because the area was so small, but said “well, it won’t hurt anything if we make an incision and check.”

Easy for you to say, pal.

Anyway, that’s just what we did (after a shot of lidocaine to numb the area) and sure enough, you could hear the forceps clinking against glass. There was more in there than I thought. So he closed me back up, sent in the nurse with a shot against tetanus, and I was on my way. You know, it wasn’t pleasant, but I’m very grateful for modern medicine. In medieval times, that’s the kind of thing that could make you lose a foot.

In less gruesome news, my father very kindly gave me the gift that keeps on giving – cash! That will really help with the trip and the car. My dad’s such a sweetie. Thanks, Dad! Also, Mom watched Emily for a few hours this morning so I could run some errands. It was really helpful, since there’s so much prep work to do for a big trip. I’m feeling like I won’t have to run around too much at the last minute this year.

The one bugaboo is my hair. I can’t get in touch with my hairstylist. I’ve left a message with someone to give to her, which I can only hope she got. Right now I’ve got kind of a 70’s shag thing going on that won’t do. I hope she calls back – I’d rather go to her than, say, Supercuts.

All right, my daughter is running around the house naked saying it’s time for her bath, so I’m off!

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