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Bedlam Bards, sickness, Jayne hats

Was sick as a dog last night, probably something I ate. Since I’ve also been really busy, and my co-leader has also been really busy, I’m seriously considering just cancelling tomorrow night’s Brownie meeting. I’ve got an e-mail in to my co-leader to see what she thinks. If I had more time, I’d probably try to do some unit about the sun and cap it off with a craft making sun-catchers out of colored tissue and clear contact paper. I’m just tired after last night, and it’s affecting my ability to think on my feet.

ETA: Apparently my co-leader has also been sick and is going to the doctor tomorrow to get tested for mono. Meeting cancelled!

The poison ivy still looks nasty and is very irritating. It looks like someone took a pen marked “plague” and drew a line down my arm.

Had a lovely dinner with three Browncoats and the Bedlam Bards on Friday night at Sir Edmund Halley’s. We were out on the patio, which was thankfully smoke-free, so I was able to knit up another hat. So the hat going to Inglewood, CA was knitted at a Browncoat gathering, which surely gives it extra-good mojo. The Bards were duly impressed with the hats. And rightfully so. Heh. Down side: while it was warm and sunny when we sat down, it was cold and dark by the time the Bards got there. They’d had to go through Atlanta at rush hour, poor things. Neither the torches nor the lights in the tree were working, so we were huddled out there in the dark. Cathy Wilcox, Proactive Browncoat, walked up to the local drugstore and bought some candles to put on our table. Much better!

I ran into someone I knew in high school at Sir Edmund Halley’s. This has been a week to run into people from lives gone by. It was great to catch up on old names. There was someone whom I had been wanting to get back in touch with, but I wasn’t sure where she was anymore. Thanks to this guy, I know, so I’m going to drop her a line.

Sunday, Turtlegirl76, and I were going to the Bards concert at Ri-Ra in uptown Charlotte. The show was scheduled to run from four to seven. An hour before I was supposed to walk out the door and pick up Turtlegirl, my husband’s workplace called to say that all their data centers were down. Later we found out that some genius at Duke Power had inadvertently flipped the switch that controls the grid powering all the computers in the building. Needless to say, my husband had to go in to work.

Not going to the concert wasn’t an option, since I had to drop off a hat for raffle, so Emily and I piled into the car, picked up Turtlegirl, and went. I left a message for my husband saying that when he got done, he could come up and take Emily home, since it wasn’t that far from his workplace to the bar.

The bar was astonishingly unsmoky, so I was able to knit on another couple of hats. So the Browncoat in Essex, UK, had his hat knit at an actual Bedlam Bards Browncoat gathering. Again, good mojo!

Pics, you say? Of course! Here we have Turtlegirl76 being serenaded by Cedric. No one can resist the womanly charms of Turtlegirl! Note the super-cool socks she has on the needles. Cedric’s dulcet tones must have worked, because Turtlegirl purchased one of their CDs titled “Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers.” So nice of them to write a CD specifically targeted toward her.

wins a raffle prize! Woo! She got a copy of the DVD “Done the Impossible” and a CD of the accompanying soundtrack. Woo! Go girl! She also purchased a couple of Bards CDs and has enjoyed them thoroughly.

The Bards launch into a spirited rendition of the Ballad of Jayne. Guys, you know I love you, but I’m sorry to say that my Jayne hat is better. Call me. The music was faboo, and I was on my feet singing along like a good little Browncoat. Emily looked unimpressed, but that was her expression for the entire afternoon.

The previously shown photo of Emily. She was very good the entire time. When the music got too loud, we’d go outside and walk around uptown. About 5:30, she started saying she wanted to go home. I called the hubby and finally got through to him at about 6pm. Turns out that because all the computers at work were down, he never got my e-mail message asking him to pick her up. He was back at home mowing the lawn. After I got over my frustration that our plans had gone awry, we decided to stay, since they were close to being done, they hadn’t given away the hat, and I was Turtlegirl’s ride. Emily and I walked around a fair amount uptown. We went to a nearby Starbucks to get a cookie, but they had just closed. Back to the bar!

Emily was very good the entire night. Shortly after we came back, they drew for the hat, complete with packaging. This is the guy who won. Irony? He wasn’t a Browncoat. He and a few friends had just happened to come to the restaurant and bought a raffle ticket for the heck of it. Imagine his mystification. He was actually pretty pleased, though, since I think he was looking for local color on his trip down here from New York. This was definitely colorful.
His group happened to be sitting next to ours, so I was able to chat with him about the hats, the knitting, Firefly, and so on. I don’t think we necessarily converted anyone, but I’m happy that he was happy. He’s got a good story to tell now, at the very least.

After we left the concert, Emily got to do what she was most excited about all along – see Turtlegirl’s cats Ripple and Calvin. She got to help feed them, then she chased Calvin around the house. Emily’s evening definitely ended on an up note. Thanks, Turtlegirl!.

I’m still kind of wiped, so that’s it for me for now. Later, taters!

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  1. April 24th, 2007 at 21:34 | #1

    hope your feeling better! sounds like you guys had lots of fun. I agree your hats look better. hopefully i’ll be able to come to a wednesday meeting soon… i miss you guys! 🙂


  2. April 24th, 2007 at 21:34 | #2

    hope your feeling better! sounds like you guys had lots of fun. I agree your hats look better. hopefully i’ll be able to come to a wednesday meeting soon… i miss you guys! 🙂


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