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November 15th, 2006 Leave a comment Go to comments

My daughter’s troop has had exactly one girl scout meeting. The next two meetings were cancelled. One was the morning of the meeting for no reason I ever heard, and the second that evening when we showed up and saw a sign on the door saying that the leader had strep. I and a couple of other mothers left e-mails and called her at work and on her cell (she did give us those numbers) to see if there was a meeting tonight. No response on any front. I decided that based on history, there probably wouldn’t be a meeting, so I didn’t go. I didn’t think Emily would mind.

Wrong. I told her earlier that I didn’t think there was a meeting tonight because the leader might still be sick (which I am assuming is the case) and she wasn’t thrilled, but she accepted it. Fast forward to 6pm, when she asks again about Girl Scouts and really, really wants to go. The meeting starts at 6 and is a good 10 minutes away in rush hour traffic. Grr. So we had our own little Girl Scout meeting at home, with a song and a snack and such.

I’m really losing confidence in this woman. I get that things happen, and being sick is out of her control, but there are eight to fifteen little girls and their families relying on her, and the communication is not what it should be.

The parents of these girls have a fair amount invested here. My mother and I have spent money and time on materials, and I spent an entire Saturday taking training on Girl Scouts and the Brownie age level. Some of the mothers, myself included, have offered to help. The leader needs to either take that help, get it together, or drop out.

I’m sure the frustration will pass and I’ll feel more charitable again later. I just get angry when other people let my daughter down.

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  1. November 15th, 2006 at 23:45 | #1

    That’s a damned shame.

    I was in Brownies/GirlScouts, and it was great. It’s a large part of what turned me into such a big environmentalist freak that I am now, in fact. =) I do hope it gets better!

  2. November 15th, 2006 at 23:45 | #2

    That’s a damned shame.

    I was in Brownies/GirlScouts, and it was great. It’s a large part of what turned me into such a big environmentalist freak that I am now, in fact. =) I do hope it gets better!

  3. November 15th, 2006 at 23:57 | #3

    Why do you only have one leader? I always remember having one sort of main leader (someone’s mom), but there were two other non-mom leaders involved who could always pick up the slack.

    That’s a tremendous shame. Do bring it up to the other parents and the council.

  4. November 15th, 2006 at 23:57 | #4

    Why do you only have one leader? I always remember having one sort of main leader (someone’s mom), but there were two other non-mom leaders involved who could always pick up the slack.

    That’s a tremendous shame. Do bring it up to the other parents and the council.

  5. November 16th, 2006 at 00:08 | #5

    That’s why I took the freakin’ training! So I could be an assistant leader on occasional weeks when needed. Hard to do when the leader is MIA.

  6. November 16th, 2006 at 00:08 | #6

    That’s why I took the freakin’ training! So I could be an assistant leader on occasional weeks when needed. Hard to do when the leader is MIA.

  7. November 16th, 2006 at 00:09 | #7


    Definitely get the council involved. If she has laryngitis and can’t be bothered to get to the phone, she should at least be able to use semaphore or something 😛

  8. November 16th, 2006 at 00:09 | #8


    Definitely get the council involved. If she has laryngitis and can’t be bothered to get to the phone, she should at least be able to use semaphore or something 😛

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